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Description revolutionizes the options trading landscape with cutting-edge fintech innovation. By leveraging AI and advanced algorithms, our platform simplifies trading for all investors, from novices to experts. Featuring over 100 pre-built options strategies, interactive strategy visualization, and real-time profit/loss tracking, empowers users to make informed decisions. Seamlessly integrated with Tradier brokerage and soon expanding to TradeStation, our intuitive design and daily evolving AI data set ensure a user-friendly and efficient trading experience. Discover the future of options trading at

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Is there a free trial?

Yes, SensaMarket offers a 7-day free trial. If you find you need more time to explore our features, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at

Is SensaMarket a registered investment advisor (RIA)?

No, SensaMarket is not a registered investment advisor (RIA) nor a brokerage. We are a technology provider offering software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for traders.

What is copy trading?

Copy trading is a feature that allows you to automatically replicate the trades of experienced and successful traders within SensaMarket. This means that when a trader you choose executes a buy or sell order, the same trade will be automatically placed in your account, proportionally adjusted to your specified investment amount. It's an excellent way for novice traders to learn from experienced ones, and for busy traders to diversify their strategies without having to monitor the markets constantly.

What is your refund policy?

If you're not satisfied, you can cancel your subscription during the 7-day free trial period without any charges. After the trial, your subscription will continue for the remaining duration of your paid billing period.

What is the cancellation policy?

At SensaMarket, we understand your needs may change. We do not require any long-term contracts or commitments, allowing you to cancel your subscription at any time. Cancellation is straightforward—simply use the one-click option within your billing profile.

Is SensaMarket a brokerage firm?

No, SensaMarket is not a brokerage. We facilitate direct connections with your brokerage account for seamless order routing and status updates. You can easily set up a Tradier Brokerage account, and when you're ready to trade, we handle the order submissions. All trades are executed and visible within your brokerage account at all times.

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